Visibility at night

Sichtbarkeit in der Nacht

headlight reflective collars

Many of us don't have any luminous units on our dogs. The LED collars are often very bright and unpleasant to look at on long walks. Reflective collars are usually very attractive and usually made of plastic. That's why many people are still hesitant to make their dogs visible. We want to remedy this!

Our SpaceTec collars are manufactured to a very high quality and are not recognizable as safety collars. However, if the dog appears in the headlights, a high-tech layer reflects the light and the dog is clearly visible!

Sicherheits leuchtende Hundehalsbänder in verschiedenen Farben

Reflective name patches for personalized collars

We have also added reflective name patches to our range.

These not only look very Not only do they not only look cool, but they also reflect the dog's name brightly and visibly. And they simply provide that little bit more security for dog and owner.

When we go on long walks, our dogs wear name patches that are fluorescent/self-luminous. They charge in daylight and artificial light and glow faintly in the dark. I can always see my dogs in pitch darkness and know which dog is where without being blinded. Ideal as an addition to LED light collars that you turn off away from the streets, as otherwise you would be too blinded yourself but would still like to be able to see the dogs.

Leuchtendes Hundehalsband

fluoreszierendes halsband für hunde

You can find all reflective or self-luminous patches in the shop under IR Patches in the category Collars or Velcro Patches.