When dog collars are harmful
At this point I would like to point out a topic that is very close to our hearts.
Of course, this topic quickly leads to the fundamental question: collar or harness? We owners of large dogs usually have no chance to keep our large 40-50kg or more dogs in a harness We are dependent on using a collar. However, this should protect the dog’s neck as much as possible. And in general, collars and harness of course their advantages and disadvantages.
Basically, one can say that a permanently attached leash A dog that pulls is doing neither itself nor its owner a favor by harness or collar. Training on the leash is part of the 1x1 of the young dog, because even the small sweet puppy that rushes forward with so much energy will eventually become a fully grown projectile. Therefore, training to run at the leash Part of lesson 1 for a puppy. Even if it is just playful at first. Unfortunately, there are always cases where you cannot avoid using a professional dog trainer.
Where is the danger with the collar?
Dogs that are leash do not pull, can definitely wear a collar. However, you should be really sure that the dog does not hang with its full weight in the collar when it sees the next cat.
A dog that is stopped abruptly with its full weight in the collar can be extremely dangerous (also for humans, as we have seen many dog owners with their arms in a cast). Such a jolt is poison for the cervical spine, as well as damaging to other structures, such as the large blood vessel(s) in the neck area, and can even lead to blockages in the cervical spine and to severe and painful muscle tension in the neck and forelimb area.
Especially in older dogs suffering from spondylosis, such a jolt can lead to serious damage (harness However, this is not the only true solution here either).
If a dog pulls massively and strongly on the leash A lot of his body is squeezed in the collar. The result is strains, bruises, and compression of the cervical vertebrae and the skin and muscles. In addition, various important nerves and blood vessels, the larynx, the thyroid, the windpipe and esophagus, as well as the lymph nodes are in the area of the collar and can be damaged.
Read more about collar and harness can be found here: https://www.tierphysio-jost.ch/2019/10/18/halsband-versus-brustgeschirr/
The wide collar
As I said, if harness is not an alternative, then we have to take a closer look at the collar. And here, The wider the better, as light tension is distributed better. The wide collar is therefore the best choice.
We at Charlotte's Choice therefore try to stock collars that are wide to very wide. The model Heavy Duty With a width of 7cm it is therefore ideal for large dogs as it distributes the pressure on the dog's neck very well.
If you don't have a very large dog with a large neck circumference of 50cm or more, the Tac Team model with its 4cm width is a good choice. The collar is padded but still solid and durable.
The bungee cord leash Tac Team
Another way we can protect the dog’s neck is by using a leash with elastic compartment.This bungee cord part absorbs a large jolt, the dog's weight is slowed down more slowly and the neck does not have to absorb the entire jolt.